Omigosh, I was so nervous for the U/S yesterday! Kinda odd behavior for me cuz I really wasn't nervous for any of my cycle stuff...retrieval, transfer, any of it. Do I have more faith in the babies outside of my body than inside? What does that say about me?
After an exceptionally weird waiting room experience (a couple that looked like Jack Sprat and his wife, a woman who loudly complained about having to take a pregnancy test, an impromptu prayer session between two strangers, one of which was apparently in pain), in which DH questioned whether I really wanted to keep going to this ob/gyn (now up for debate!), we were finally taken back for the U/S. The gal who did it had done an U/S for me during stimulation so she was so excited to find out it had worked!
Immediately you could see two sacs, one quite a bit larger than the other. And at first, the gal didn't think there was an embryo in the smaller one. But after measuring and getting "Twin A's" HR, she searched around and finally located little "Twin B" (who is apparently shy). It appears that Twin B is a few days behind, developmentally. The U/S technician said this happens sometimes and it can even out...or not. And one of DH's co-workers recently announced he and his wife are having twins through IVF, and they waited to let people know because one twin was lagging behind the other. So I think that made us think, okay, this is kinda common and can work itself out.
But later in the evening, as we were preparing our Surf and Turf feast of steak and crab legs (which I was cleared to eat - LOL), my favorite CCRM nurse called and gave me her opinion. Essentially, we should be very guarded and prepared to see little development at next week's U/S. But she acknowledged that we continue to exceed expectations and she wouldn't put it past us for it to all work out. So I don't know. I'm optimistic that it will all work out because I think our embryos have just behaved extraordinarily thus far and proven that they are really tough. DH wants Twin A to be a good big brother/sister and get the little one in line. ;) We did tell my parents, sis, and best friend the news (which I'd planned on keeping our little secret for now - since we have had no secrets all along!) because I figured we need extra prayers and good, positive vibes.
So please send good thoughts my way. If it's meant to be, it will be. Obviously, I want them both to be healthy and don't want to go against Mother Nature. But I just really felt all along that it was going to be twins. If mother's intuition counts for anything...