Thursday, January 31

1st trimester thoughts...

I'm really bad at keeping up with this blog lately. Plus it's awkward to know what to write about. I don't want to isolate readers with "baby baby" talk…but that's amazingly enough my world now. I didn't know if I'd ever get here and now that I am, I find it hard to fully embrace it for fear of…what, I'm not sure. I feel confident in my babies (even though I'm on sonogram withdrawal - and I just moved up my next appt by a week!) and my body and I'm slowly sharing the good news with more and more people…I just wish I could accept pregnancy with the same gusto I always figured I'd give it.

I'm almost through my first trimester, which means I may have avoided morning sickness. I've had general nauseau (and now I'm experiencing an inordinate amount of saliva, which does not help with the nauseau, let me tell ya!) but have not actually thrown up, thank goodness. I'm slowly getting over some of my weird food issues and actually cooked twice this week. Last week, we ate out every night and while I was healthy with my choices, I felt guilty about it. So I actually bought ingredients for meals (what a concept, right?) and that's really the trick. For such a Type A/planning personality, you'd think I'd be better about meals…but I just don't care enough about food to plan in advance. So eating enough has been a challenge at times. Kinda like this cartoon…

I've been reading a couple books that have provided insight to being a twin parent. Twinspiration is written by a twin mom and she is honest about everything! DH has been reading it too and it's nice how he's more aware of how I might be feeling, etc. He's even using the terms, like "mommy brain." Okay, so it's not nice to insult your pregnant wife's memory problems but at least he's attributing it to pregnancy and not me just losing my mind! Twins, Triplets, and Quads seems a little more suspect…have any other twin moms-to-be seen this one? It's soo dire…I'll definitely be on bed rest, I should absolutely quit working by X week, if I don't eat mini-meals every two hours my babies will be underweight/premature, drink a quart of milk per day, etc. So if anyone has any recommendations on twin pregnancy books, I'd love to hear 'em!

One of my cycle sisters, Tracey, was faced with the fragility of life last week and suffered a miscarriage at 9 weeks. Her posts have been so moving and really show how strong she is. But I'm sure she'd love any extra support.

And another is enduring the 2ww…sending lots of luck your way, Denise!


Rebecca said...

Thanks for your posts...I put that movie on my Netflix que and will be watching it over the weekend. I just ordered some books too...I like Twinspiration by Cheryl Lage. I just got it, but it seems pretty straightforward so far. Plus, it says that as long as you're eating, it doesn't matter if it's a Big Mac or a salad...just keep eating! I'm proud of you a meal? Haven't done that in quite some time. I'll be 10 weeks tomorrow with twins, so I'll be checking back soon!

Denise said...

Thanks for the well wishes! Only 3 days into the 2ww and already starting to feel batty. And don't stop writing. It gives me hope to read your posts.

singletracey said...

Thanks for the support! Your a doll :-)

I am SOO glad you are almost in the 2nd Trimester... May it go as smoothly as the first!

And going all baby on us is quite alright by me! I LOVE babies... and one day.. I taking my blog that direction ;-)


Waiting Amy said...

I too have not been puking. And the saliva thing is awful (I had that in my first pg). But I will still be glad to hit 12 weeks.

I have been reading Twins, Trips ... and I'm torn. In some ways I find it empowering that they feel you CAN do something to try and avoid problems and have bigger babies. But I am massively daunted at trying to consume that number of calories! They're statistics (if accurate) are impressive. I figure all I can do is try to utilize what they offer and hope for the best!

GibsonTwins said...

I have no good twin book recommendations, however every twin pregnancy is different. I wasn't on bedrest at all and although my twins were born at 34.6 weeks, they were alright weight wise (5,5 and 5,14). I ate ice cream and pizza all the time so I would indulge your cravings totally! I did the flinstones vitamins because I had morning sickness for the first 15wks and then again the last 6 weeks or so. Good luck to you, I will be checking back in, it is so exciting to have twins, really!