Thursday, January 10

What a difference a year makes

I've been absent in the blog world mainly because I'm so tired when I get home from work and the last thing I want to do is get back in front of a computer...this being pregnant with twins thing can take it out of you! Yes, both babies are hanging in there! We got a good report at the doctor on Monday...Twin B's HR was up to 125 and Twin A's was at 154. Such well behaved kiddos. :) So even though Twin B is still lagging behind a few days, it is developing the way it should and that's the most important thing. When I shared this good report with my favorite nurse, Amber (that's for all of you dying to know who my fave is!), and asked her a couple questions like OB vs. perinatologist, she actually said "now that things are looking good" I could continue with my OB! She errs on the side of caution so for her to say it's "looking good" helps DH and I breathe a little easier.

Even though after the transfer, I really felt like both embryos were sticking around, it's still a shock to think we're going to have twins. It's just miraculous. We've come such a long way in just a year and a cyst removal, DH's obstructive azoospermia, failed IVF and talk of donor eggs, being rejected by two other major fertility clinics in town...and I know we are where we are today because we didn't give up. What if we'd listened to the first RE? Or even the second? I guess you just never know. I have a friend whose mom died from cancer years ago and she was saying how the doctors just don't know everything...they'd give her mom a month and she'd live for another year...when we were going through this second cycle and continuously getting encouraging reports, I thought of that. DH and I scoffed when Amber reviewed cryopreservation...and yet we have two embryos on ice. You just never know.

I keep hoping and praying that these babies continue to impress everybody. I'm trying to do all I can for them (even gagging on my broccoli at dinner) and I know they're doing all they can, too.


singletracey said...

what a great picture! I am so glad things are moving along.. and although I am not sure if I have one or two in my ute yet.. I can empathize with the tired thing! I come home, eat some dinner, do a few things around the house, plop down at 7:30 to watch tv and then at 8:30 or 9 I am up in bed!

Anyway... I am so happy for you and excited to share the journey with you!

Nadine said...

What a fab pic to see, I'm so happy for you, take care of yourself!

Rebecca said...

So great! The exhaustion is beyond compare, but this will be a great journey for you!

Denise said...

I'm so happy you and the twins are doing well! That is great news! Amber, huh? I'm not sure I know which nurse she is. I'll have to pay more attention.

Waiting Amy said...

Wonderful heartrates, yeah! Sounds like everything is indeed going very well! Congrats!