Saturday, November 17


Got amazing news today, on a day I totally needed it! Miraculously, my FSH for this month was 7.9! Incredible! The nurse was funny, thinking I was giving my body pep talks! I almost cried when I got the call - then I wanted to call everyone that knew about all this... This was blood that I had to work awfully hard to get to the doctor - draw it in town, keep it in my fridge, pack it in freezer packs, and then ship priority to the doc - and I know now it was worth all that effort! :)

We'd seen our counselor the day before and I was so down in the dumpers, asking for ways to deal with my negativity. She assured me that this time was different than before, with the best doctors working on us, with new med protocol, everything was different. And she's right but I was still wondering why we were doing this when the odds were so very much stacked against us. And the next day I get this phone call and success doesn't seem so unattainable. :)

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