I am the proud mother of two beautiful baby girls! Everything went swimmingly on Babies Day and Baby A (on the left, above) entered the world at 5:26 pm, weighing 6 lbs even. DH and I were relieved the first baby was a girl because all day the nurses had been predicting two boys...something DH and I weren't sure we were up for. So after Baby Girl A, I didn't worry about who would come next. And just ten minutes later and some more pushing, Baby B entered the world, weighing 5 lbs. 3 oz. What a dream! We had some initial blood sugar issues and it was a long while (couple of hours) before I was reunited with my girls again. They were given formula to get it back up and I believe that, along with their weak sucking reflex kind of set us up for breastfeeding difficulties. After one month of trying and crying and pumping and potential lactose intolerance, I gave it up and moved to formula. What an emotional decision! I'm still sad about it, really. I digress -- we were blessed enough to be able to leave the hospital together and start our family life at home. Thankfully, we came home to great support from my parents which is continuing on to this day. I keep thinking I need to cut the cord since they are my children after all, but dang this twin stuff is hard. Something about mommy being outnumbered. ;) One added challenge is the colic diagnosis our little Peanut Baby B got last week at the pediatrician. She'd have inconsolable crying fits that would last for hours, at any time...to the point that she made herself hoarse. If that isn't the saddest sound, I'm not sure what is. So apparently it's hyperirritability colic, meaning it could happen any time and the treatment is to really reduce the negative stimulation she receives as the crying means her mental capacity is maxxed out (as well as the formula change to lacto free). Not only is it just awful to not be able to do anything for your baby but it's hard to not be able to enjoy her true personality. When she's not crying and red in the face, she is a shockingly beautiful baby who's so alert and bright eyed. I love getting those glimpses, as few and as far between as they are. Thankfully our String Bean Baby A is a laid back baby, although lately she seems to have taken some notes from her sister. Peer pressure at its earliest. ;) At this point, I'm just trying to make it through every day. I knew it'd be hard, but it's definitely harder than I thought it'd be. This is truly the very first time I've been on the computer for any amount of time since they've been born. Either I'm a horrible time manager or my babies are really demanding or both. But despite it all, I have said it multiple times: having "just one" baby must be boring. ;) Anyway, this isn't my best post and I apologize for my brevity but it's about feeding time...I figured I owed any readers some semblance of an update. I'm keeping up on your blogs when I get a chance. Rebecca is a freaking rock star and I'm still just so excited for Denise. Hope my post didn't scare you. ;) It's hard work but what great things aren't?
Thursday, September 18
My baby girls
I am the proud mother of two beautiful baby girls! Everything went swimmingly on Babies Day and Baby A (on the left, above) entered the world at 5:26 pm, weighing 6 lbs even. DH and I were relieved the first baby was a girl because all day the nurses had been predicting two boys...something DH and I weren't sure we were up for. So after Baby Girl A, I didn't worry about who would come next. And just ten minutes later and some more pushing, Baby B entered the world, weighing 5 lbs. 3 oz. What a dream! We had some initial blood sugar issues and it was a long while (couple of hours) before I was reunited with my girls again. They were given formula to get it back up and I believe that, along with their weak sucking reflex kind of set us up for breastfeeding difficulties. After one month of trying and crying and pumping and potential lactose intolerance, I gave it up and moved to formula. What an emotional decision! I'm still sad about it, really. I digress -- we were blessed enough to be able to leave the hospital together and start our family life at home. Thankfully, we came home to great support from my parents which is continuing on to this day. I keep thinking I need to cut the cord since they are my children after all, but dang this twin stuff is hard. Something about mommy being outnumbered. ;) One added challenge is the colic diagnosis our little Peanut Baby B got last week at the pediatrician. She'd have inconsolable crying fits that would last for hours, at any time...to the point that she made herself hoarse. If that isn't the saddest sound, I'm not sure what is. So apparently it's hyperirritability colic, meaning it could happen any time and the treatment is to really reduce the negative stimulation she receives as the crying means her mental capacity is maxxed out (as well as the formula change to lacto free). Not only is it just awful to not be able to do anything for your baby but it's hard to not be able to enjoy her true personality. When she's not crying and red in the face, she is a shockingly beautiful baby who's so alert and bright eyed. I love getting those glimpses, as few and as far between as they are. Thankfully our String Bean Baby A is a laid back baby, although lately she seems to have taken some notes from her sister. Peer pressure at its earliest. ;) At this point, I'm just trying to make it through every day. I knew it'd be hard, but it's definitely harder than I thought it'd be. This is truly the very first time I've been on the computer for any amount of time since they've been born. Either I'm a horrible time manager or my babies are really demanding or both. But despite it all, I have said it multiple times: having "just one" baby must be boring. ;) Anyway, this isn't my best post and I apologize for my brevity but it's about feeding time...I figured I owed any readers some semblance of an update. I'm keeping up on your blogs when I get a chance. Rebecca is a freaking rock star and I'm still just so excited for Denise. Hope my post didn't scare you. ;) It's hard work but what great things aren't?
Sunday, August 3
37 weeks -- we made it! :)
I tell ya, if you only have one outing a week, at least those you see make it worth your while by boosting your ego/spirits. Last week, the sonographer said I should get a medal. My doctor said I deserved an A+. This week, a different nurse and doctor (my doc is out of town -- babies have to hang in there until she's back!) were amazed at my progress (and the babies'), lack of complications, bed rest, lack of hospital visits. Sure does make a mom-to-be feel good! :)
We had our last growth sonogram today and it will give us the best guess as to how much these kiddos will weigh when they meet us. The sonographer took lots of measurements to get the most accurate weight. Drumroll please….Baby A, who continues to hang out practically in the birth canal and will most likely have a cone head for a day or so given its been down there practically the entire 9 months, is weighing in at a whopping 5 lbs. 13 oz. Baby B, who is head down as well, actually surpassed Baby A for the first time ever…5 lbs. 14 oz! AMAZING! I have accomplished my goals as a "hostess"…I wanted to get these babies to 5 lbs. in an effort to avoid a stay in the NICU (check!), and I wanted to get these babies to term…there's apparently some debate as to whether 35 weeks is term for twins or if its 37. I'd always heard 37 and we were there as of Saturday (so I can check that off, too!). Now back to the weight…I'm no good at math, but I believe that's pretty much 12 lbs. of baby in me (not counting weight of placentas, amniotic fluid, etc)! My body is really stepping up to the plate and it's just amazing to me. :) Oh I'm 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced. The doctor today didn't think I'd make it to 8/11. But who knows!
I continue to take it easy, per doctor's orders. DH and I did go out to dinner last Saturday night (if 5 o'clock is considered evening!) for one last hurrah before babies. We dined at an Italian restaurant we'd heard good things about but had never gotten around to experiencing. It was really yummy and I'm glad we had a date night even though it did wear me out. I felt like a normal person again, to be out and about, and it was nice to get dressed up for my hubby.
I've entertained quite a bit lately (from the couch!) and I keep thinking our dog will become somewhat blasé about company. That hasn't happened yet and she continues to greet everyone very enthusiastically! Of course I think she thinks everyone comes to see her, which explains her excitement! She just turned 2 so I guess she's still a puppy. Anyway, my mom's lifelong friend wanted to see me while I was pregnant so she stopped by for a visit…and brought the cutest stuffed bunnies (she remembered I liked bunnies as a kid) that match my nursery décor perfectly! Then my best friend brought Dairy Queen one night and they're both always welcome at my house! On Tuesday, I had two co-workers bring me lunch. They wanted to see me and the nursery and I was certainly flattered they drove "all the way" out here to do so. :) So it's been a lot of fun! But it's getting so close to my "due date" and I'm probably about visited out. My doc told me how these last few weeks would really take a toll on me and my body and she's right.
DH and I are both getting so excited to meet these little people. It's hard to imagine what it will be like, though. I'm sure we'll see them and it will seem absolutely right. I loved this part from Shopaholic and Baby by Sophia Kinsella (great chick lit!)…when the main character has her baby girl and sees her for the first time she thinks: "All that time, that's who was in there. And it's weird, but the minute I saw her I just thought: It's you. Of course it is."
We had our last growth sonogram today and it will give us the best guess as to how much these kiddos will weigh when they meet us. The sonographer took lots of measurements to get the most accurate weight. Drumroll please….Baby A, who continues to hang out practically in the birth canal and will most likely have a cone head for a day or so given its been down there practically the entire 9 months, is weighing in at a whopping 5 lbs. 13 oz. Baby B, who is head down as well, actually surpassed Baby A for the first time ever…5 lbs. 14 oz! AMAZING! I have accomplished my goals as a "hostess"…I wanted to get these babies to 5 lbs. in an effort to avoid a stay in the NICU (check!), and I wanted to get these babies to term…there's apparently some debate as to whether 35 weeks is term for twins or if its 37. I'd always heard 37 and we were there as of Saturday (so I can check that off, too!). Now back to the weight…I'm no good at math, but I believe that's pretty much 12 lbs. of baby in me (not counting weight of placentas, amniotic fluid, etc)! My body is really stepping up to the plate and it's just amazing to me. :) Oh I'm 2 cm dilated and 80% effaced. The doctor today didn't think I'd make it to 8/11. But who knows!
I continue to take it easy, per doctor's orders. DH and I did go out to dinner last Saturday night (if 5 o'clock is considered evening!) for one last hurrah before babies. We dined at an Italian restaurant we'd heard good things about but had never gotten around to experiencing. It was really yummy and I'm glad we had a date night even though it did wear me out. I felt like a normal person again, to be out and about, and it was nice to get dressed up for my hubby.
I've entertained quite a bit lately (from the couch!) and I keep thinking our dog will become somewhat blasé about company. That hasn't happened yet and she continues to greet everyone very enthusiastically! Of course I think she thinks everyone comes to see her, which explains her excitement! She just turned 2 so I guess she's still a puppy. Anyway, my mom's lifelong friend wanted to see me while I was pregnant so she stopped by for a visit…and brought the cutest stuffed bunnies (she remembered I liked bunnies as a kid) that match my nursery décor perfectly! Then my best friend brought Dairy Queen one night and they're both always welcome at my house! On Tuesday, I had two co-workers bring me lunch. They wanted to see me and the nursery and I was certainly flattered they drove "all the way" out here to do so. :) So it's been a lot of fun! But it's getting so close to my "due date" and I'm probably about visited out. My doc told me how these last few weeks would really take a toll on me and my body and she's right.
DH and I are both getting so excited to meet these little people. It's hard to imagine what it will be like, though. I'm sure we'll see them and it will seem absolutely right. I loved this part from Shopaholic and Baby by Sophia Kinsella (great chick lit!)…when the main character has her baby girl and sees her for the first time she thinks: "All that time, that's who was in there. And it's weird, but the minute I saw her I just thought: It's you. Of course it is."
Monday, July 14
Well I'm sure any faithful readers I had have since given up on me and I can't blame ya. Two and a half months is a long time to be away from my blog. It seemed strange to just leave things hanging, though. So I'll quickly get us up to speed....
I am currently 34w2d. Amazing. It was always my intention to carry these babies up to term and I'm still hoping, praying, that I get to do that. I think that attitude has helped me and I've taken it easy in order to accomplish that. Of course, there's more to it than attitude. Being "extremely tall" has certainly helped. I'm really not an Amazon woman, but it's become a joke between DH and I because so many people at the doctor's office have commented on my height (almost 5'8"). These babies have found room to grow and that's the most important thing.
I've gained 50 lbs...holy cow. And I'm not really sure where it's all going, other than in the belly. And the babies don't weigh that much sooo....my thunder thighs are for real. :( As for the babies, at our 32 week sono, they were 3 lbs. 14 oz. and 3 lbs. 12 oz. So now they're probably a little over 4 lbs. each -- yay babies!
My doctor has decided to induce me at 38 weeks, I guess cuz they'd be pretty big at that point...she's predicting 6 lb. babies which I think is a little optimistic! And a little scary, considering they have to get out. ;) Given their good baby head down positions, we'll try for vaginal birth. I'm not buying the whole, once one baby is out, the other one just follows after. I think there's probably more pushing, etc. involved. So our babies day is 08/11/08. We half tried for 08/08/08, which is a Thursday but my doc is also predicting a "long induction" (of which I need to get clarification of!) and she's off on Fridays and then it's the weekend. So we're going with Monday. Fine by me! Whatever day it is, it's going to be amazing! :)
I have been very blessed with a relatively easy pregnancy. I had one scare in May, which turned out to be the flu...but I wasn't sure if it was baby-related at first or not. My cervix was a little short when they checked it and since then, they've been very diligent about my cervix. I also received orders to lay on my left side for 3-4 hours/day.
My most annoying pregnancy side effects:
I will likely be absent again for a while--who knows--my next post could be the babies announcement! I wish you all the best. And thank you for the support, inspiration, and camaraderie that pulled me through it all. :)
I am currently 34w2d. Amazing. It was always my intention to carry these babies up to term and I'm still hoping, praying, that I get to do that. I think that attitude has helped me and I've taken it easy in order to accomplish that. Of course, there's more to it than attitude. Being "extremely tall" has certainly helped. I'm really not an Amazon woman, but it's become a joke between DH and I because so many people at the doctor's office have commented on my height (almost 5'8"). These babies have found room to grow and that's the most important thing.
I've gained 50 lbs...holy cow. And I'm not really sure where it's all going, other than in the belly. And the babies don't weigh that much sooo....my thunder thighs are for real. :( As for the babies, at our 32 week sono, they were 3 lbs. 14 oz. and 3 lbs. 12 oz. So now they're probably a little over 4 lbs. each -- yay babies!
My doctor has decided to induce me at 38 weeks, I guess cuz they'd be pretty big at that point...she's predicting 6 lb. babies which I think is a little optimistic! And a little scary, considering they have to get out. ;) Given their good baby head down positions, we'll try for vaginal birth. I'm not buying the whole, once one baby is out, the other one just follows after. I think there's probably more pushing, etc. involved. So our babies day is 08/11/08. We half tried for 08/08/08, which is a Thursday but my doc is also predicting a "long induction" (of which I need to get clarification of!) and she's off on Fridays and then it's the weekend. So we're going with Monday. Fine by me! Whatever day it is, it's going to be amazing! :)
I have been very blessed with a relatively easy pregnancy. I had one scare in May, which turned out to be the flu...but I wasn't sure if it was baby-related at first or not. My cervix was a little short when they checked it and since then, they've been very diligent about my cervix. I also received orders to lay on my left side for 3-4 hours/day.
My most annoying pregnancy side effects:
- Random hiccups, since about 12 weeks (I sound like I've been hitting the bottle)--and there's no rhyme or reason to them!
- Acid reflux/heartburn
- Swollen fingers (that hurt like my knuckles need to be cracked) and toes
- Pelvic pain (from two baby heads spreading my pelvis apart -- yikes!)
- Hip aches, from laying on my left side (it was hard to make that transition from back to side)
- And this is fun: actually passing gas as I walk...I've never been one to fart; it typically stays in to the point that I'm bloated and miserable from gas pain...yeah, not anymore! Luckily, I don't get out much in public...it sure is sexy for the DH, though... ;)
I will likely be absent again for a while--who knows--my next post could be the babies announcement! I wish you all the best. And thank you for the support, inspiration, and camaraderie that pulled me through it all. :)
Wednesday, April 30
Overdue update
I have been very absent from the blogosphere and I can’t pinpoint exactly why. I guess I turned to blogging when I needed to connect with people about the very intimate obstacles I was facing. With pregnancy, it’s in your face and everyone is happy to share their thoughts/advice/horror stories/happy stories with you. But I have been checking in on you all and still love the relationships here. It’s funny—I attempted to start a public blog that I’d share with family and friends for updates on my pregnancy and then later when the babies come. I had such a hard time writing even one post because I felt like I needed to censor myself. I’m used to being so open and honest here and not being judged about my feelings/decisions/whatever. But when you’re out in the open, even though it’s with my loved ones, there are some thoughts you want to keep private. I definitely do want a public blog because my sister is a thousand miles away and babies change so quickly…but until I have cute baby stories, I’m struggling.
DH painted the nursery over the weekend and it looks perfect! It's nice being married to a guy who takes pride in his work. The soft yellow (nice, gender neutral color since we're not finding out the sexes!) really makes it look like a sweet baby's room. Now I just need to figure out how to make my organization dreams come true. The room is small so I decided to remove the doors from the closet and treat it like a little alcove, with the changing table and a bookcase/cubbies in there (see inspiration photo on left). Unless I pony up the money for the Pottery Barn goods, I'm not sure where I'm gonna find a similar system. I thought it'd be easy (Container Store, Target, etc.) but I'm not having much luck.
All is going great with this pregnancy! I have gained 30 pounds which blows my mind...especially when people continue to say "gosh, you sure it's twins? You're not very big!" (I find that rather offensive, probably because I worked so hard to get pregnant, I'd like to LOOK pregnant!). I did start physical therapy because I was having some sciatica (sp?) and some shoulder pain which limited my activity even more (heck, sometimes feeding myself hurt my shoulder so bad!). It has DEFINITELY helped! I felt a little bit like a wimp because I started early in my pregnancy but my therapist has been so excited about that because she feels like we'll be able to ward off any major problems, should they attempt to arise. She says there's no reason moms-to-be have to be miserable. So I highly recommend it! :) I also had an ergonomic evaluation done at my cubicle at work and that seemed to help as well.
We start our childbirth class tonight and I'm excited about it. Not that it hasn't sunk in that we're gonna have two babies, but I think it'll make it even more real (and potentially freak me out-LOL). I attempted to get in to a sooner class (my OB recommended we start around 22 weeks - it's a 5 week class - and instead we're starting at 24 weeks) and the receptionist was trying to talk me out of it. I have no reason to think I'd deliver this early but I'd much rather have this info under my belt than not. One of DH’s coworkers was pregnant with twins and due a month or so before us…the wife had the babies at approx. 24 weeks (one was 2 lbs, the other 1 lb) and the smallest one died a few days later (I guess it also had some heart issues and potentially spina bifida that was diagnosed while in the womb). Just absolutely heartbreaking. Not that I would ever take a good report on our babies for granted, but this makes me even more grateful for every good report we've had.

For all of you still on that difficult path, you're in my thoughts. I keep hoping for your dreams to be realized sooner rather than later...
Thursday, February 14
6 random things
Well I've NEVER been asked to do any of these things so I feel like this is another part of initiation into blogging. How exciting! :) Thanks Waiting Amy!
So here are some random things about me...but first, the rules:
So here are some random things about me...but first, the rules:
1) Link to the person who tagged you.
2) Post the rules.
3) Share six non-important things / habits / quirks about yourself.
4) Tag at least three people.
5) Make sure the people you tagged KNOW you tagged them by commenting what you did.
Here goes...
Here goes...
1) We've had a lot of snow this year and I realized I really love animal tracks in the snow. It could be my dog's little paw prints, a birds, or some random animal that stumps me...I had a book on tracks when I was a kid and that must be when the fascination started. :)
2) I'm really good at remembering numbers...phone numbers, totals at stores, etc. Also, I have this weird habit of adding up/multiplying/dividing the individual numbers. Like 236, cuz 2x3=6. You'd think I'd have been more interested in math due to this...
3) I love doing crafty things (sewing, scrapbooking, making cards, knitting, etc.) but I can't wait to get to the finished product that I often rush through things, sometimes to their detriment. I've not had uneven sleeve lengths or anything like that but I could do a better job if I wasn't so impatient!
4) I've weighed the exact same weight - to the pound - since high school (well pre-pregnancy). And I've never dieted (I think I make good food choices except when it comes to sweets!) or worked out regularly. I say this not to "brag," but cuz I really think it's kind of amazing in a science/physiology way. I just hope my body remembers my usual weight after the babies!
5) When I first saw my DH - hadn't even spoken to him - I knew he was going to be someone special. On our first date, I introduced him to my parents (well I lived at home but I could have easily not put him through that!). It was a long, bumpy road to get to our commitment stage but it was worth it. I'm having to work pretty hard for the good things in my life...all worth it.
6) I am dangerously attached to our dog. We decided we'd get a dog if our first cycle wasn't successful...and we joked about how it better be the world's cutest dog to help us get over our loss. Well she is. I've never had a pet before (my mom is allergic to everything!) so it was uncharted territory for me and she is just a joy. Everyone comments how we're gonna push her aside when the babies come, like we won't have time for her. The way I figure is we made a commitment to her when she joined our family and yeah, it'll be harder and different but she's still gonna be our first baby. Our lemonade (you know, life gives you lemons...). Here she is, really enjoying the snow-LOL!
So that's 6 random things about me. :) That was fun!
Let's see what SingleTracey, Rebecca, and Denise have to say...
2) I'm really good at remembering numbers...phone numbers, totals at stores, etc. Also, I have this weird habit of adding up/multiplying/dividing the individual numbers. Like 236, cuz 2x3=6. You'd think I'd have been more interested in math due to this...
3) I love doing crafty things (sewing, scrapbooking, making cards, knitting, etc.) but I can't wait to get to the finished product that I often rush through things, sometimes to their detriment. I've not had uneven sleeve lengths or anything like that but I could do a better job if I wasn't so impatient!
4) I've weighed the exact same weight - to the pound - since high school (well pre-pregnancy). And I've never dieted (I think I make good food choices except when it comes to sweets!) or worked out regularly. I say this not to "brag," but cuz I really think it's kind of amazing in a science/physiology way. I just hope my body remembers my usual weight after the babies!
5) When I first saw my DH - hadn't even spoken to him - I knew he was going to be someone special. On our first date, I introduced him to my parents (well I lived at home but I could have easily not put him through that!). It was a long, bumpy road to get to our commitment stage but it was worth it. I'm having to work pretty hard for the good things in my life...all worth it.

So that's 6 random things about me. :) That was fun!
Let's see what SingleTracey, Rebecca, and Denise have to say...
Tuesday, February 12
Twin article
Interesting twin article...
It includes a mention to CCRM and how they encourage just one embryo transferred--not subscribing to the "two for the price of one" philosophy, even though DH said that very thing right as our doc was doing the transfer. Dork. ;)
It includes a mention to CCRM and how they encourage just one embryo transferred--not subscribing to the "two for the price of one" philosophy, even though DH said that very thing right as our doc was doing the transfer. Dork. ;)
Monday, February 11
Little baby heartbeats...
All is well. What a wonderful thing to say. :)
There was some initial frustration because the receptionist had rescheduled only the doctor's visit, not the sonogram. Not the part that we've been dying to do, not the part that DH made sure he'd be available for (instead he got to witness the pelvic exam and pap smear - woo hoo!). So could I come back in an hour and a half? The sonographer just left…grrrr. DH had an afternoon meeting and I couldn't believe he was going to miss out on seeing them and potentially HEARING them for the first time. Unbeknowst to us, my OB was planning on finding the heartbeats so we were able to satisy ourselves that they are at least still in there! What a sound! It almost brought tears to my eyes and it just sounded so "cute"…little baby heartbeats. So not seeing them didn't seem like such a big deal after that. But they were able to squeeze me in as soon as the sonographer got back. And I'm so glad they did! They've grown soo much and look the most like babies than they ever have. I asked the sonographer if you ever see them move when she's doing these…she asked me to cough and lo and behold - they moved! Little baby arms and little baby legs stretching out (better stretch out now while you can, babies!). Next time, we can bring a DVD -R and they can capture the whole thing for posterity's sake. As a kid, wouldn't that be an amazing thing to see?! Yourself (and your bro or sis), while you were still in your mom? Wild! I'm just in awe of all of this.
I also got answers to my O- blood type and whether one twin could be + blood and the other - (yes, I know I think about/worry about everything!). And I was given a 3 day long vaginal suppository to return my woman parts to a good place. Apparently all those progesterone suppositories can irritate your cervix.
I was disappointed DH couldn't be there for the babies' big moves, but all that matters is that we got another good report! It gets more and more real each time I see 'em. Like we're really gonna have twins!!!! WOW!!!!
There was some initial frustration because the receptionist had rescheduled only the doctor's visit, not the sonogram. Not the part that we've been dying to do, not the part that DH made sure he'd be available for (instead he got to witness the pelvic exam and pap smear - woo hoo!). So could I come back in an hour and a half? The sonographer just left…grrrr. DH had an afternoon meeting and I couldn't believe he was going to miss out on seeing them and potentially HEARING them for the first time. Unbeknowst to us, my OB was planning on finding the heartbeats so we were able to satisy ourselves that they are at least still in there! What a sound! It almost brought tears to my eyes and it just sounded so "cute"…little baby heartbeats. So not seeing them didn't seem like such a big deal after that. But they were able to squeeze me in as soon as the sonographer got back. And I'm so glad they did! They've grown soo much and look the most like babies than they ever have. I asked the sonographer if you ever see them move when she's doing these…she asked me to cough and lo and behold - they moved! Little baby arms and little baby legs stretching out (better stretch out now while you can, babies!). Next time, we can bring a DVD -R and they can capture the whole thing for posterity's sake. As a kid, wouldn't that be an amazing thing to see?! Yourself (and your bro or sis), while you were still in your mom? Wild! I'm just in awe of all of this.
I also got answers to my O- blood type and whether one twin could be + blood and the other - (yes, I know I think about/worry about everything!). And I was given a 3 day long vaginal suppository to return my woman parts to a good place. Apparently all those progesterone suppositories can irritate your cervix.
I was disappointed DH couldn't be there for the babies' big moves, but all that matters is that we got another good report! It gets more and more real each time I see 'em. Like we're really gonna have twins!!!! WOW!!!!
Friday, February 8
Random thoughts...
DH and I were so excited to see the babies yesterday at our appointment…so much so that we'd moved it up a week, not really wanting to wait a month in between appointments. Only to get a phone call yesterday morning that our doc wasn't able to make it in and they were rescheduling her appointments - BOOO! Luckily, it's only a couple more days (Monday). But I tell ya, the days are just dragging by cuz I'm focusing so much on getting to the next week…and Saturday is 12w! What a milestone that is! :)
I realized the other day that I'm totally pulling a J. Lo. In that I haven't shared my good news with but a handful of people at work…and it's probably getting obvious that something is going on under my clothes! But speaking of J to the L.O., I am really annoyed with her. This whole "twins are genetic" thing really irritates me. She's like 38 - I think most of us can gather she had a little help. And just own up to it. People's perceptions of infertility are not going to change when we have public figures (who could create change around the issue) hush-hushing it. I'll get off my soap box now, sorry.
Other than that, not a lot to report. I really want to decorate/furnish the nursery in a "green" way but I'm finding that rather difficult to do. I want non-toxic finishes on cribs, organic mattresses, good no-VOC paint (would love to pull up the carpet but it's like brand new and DH isn't down with that) and all of these things are apparently elusive or really expensive. And when you're buying two… But isn't it just wrong that things made in a more natural way are more expensive? What is wrong with that picture?
I spoke with my sister last night and was really afraid I'd upset her with baby talk. I think I mentioned before that she got pregnant in November 2006, the same time our 1st cycle was canceled. Unfortunately, she miscarried shortly thereafter. Now that I'm pregnant, she's preparing to have a uterine fibroid removed, which is apparently a major surgery and will obviously delay their baby making. I'm trying to be sensitive and really share info just when she asks. But last night I made a comment on how I was getting bigger and she got all quiet on the other end. I quickly changed the subject to other news from my week but it just made me so sad. Why is life so complicated?
Sheesh, this post became kind of a downer. Ooh, so I'll end on a good note: my company has "expectant mother" parking spots in the parking garages and ever since I've been married, I've DREAMED of the day I could park there. Well last Friday I went down to Security to get my pass (the gal didn't even want to see my "I'm pregnant" doctor's note, dang it!) and I got to park in one of the illustrious spots on Monday! It was so EXCITING! It's the little things, right? ;)
I can talk the talk but not walk the walk. I just got a phone call from my acupuncturist who's going to be featured on the local news due to a new study showing acupuncture is beneficial to IVF patients. She wanted to know if I'd be willing to talk to a local reporter on camera about my experiences. Many thoughts ran through my head…one: everyone who saw the report would know I had difficulty conceiving (even more awkward considering hardly anyone at work knows I'm pregnant!); two: I have one large pimple on my chin and it seems like local news always do extreme close ups where you can't even see the entire person's face; three: I'm shy and would likely blubber my way through the interview. But dang…the universe was giving me a chance to be a voice for IF and I can't do it.
I realized the other day that I'm totally pulling a J. Lo. In that I haven't shared my good news with but a handful of people at work…and it's probably getting obvious that something is going on under my clothes! But speaking of J to the L.O., I am really annoyed with her. This whole "twins are genetic" thing really irritates me. She's like 38 - I think most of us can gather she had a little help. And just own up to it. People's perceptions of infertility are not going to change when we have public figures (who could create change around the issue) hush-hushing it. I'll get off my soap box now, sorry.
Other than that, not a lot to report. I really want to decorate/furnish the nursery in a "green" way but I'm finding that rather difficult to do. I want non-toxic finishes on cribs, organic mattresses, good no-VOC paint (would love to pull up the carpet but it's like brand new and DH isn't down with that) and all of these things are apparently elusive or really expensive. And when you're buying two… But isn't it just wrong that things made in a more natural way are more expensive? What is wrong with that picture?
I spoke with my sister last night and was really afraid I'd upset her with baby talk. I think I mentioned before that she got pregnant in November 2006, the same time our 1st cycle was canceled. Unfortunately, she miscarried shortly thereafter. Now that I'm pregnant, she's preparing to have a uterine fibroid removed, which is apparently a major surgery and will obviously delay their baby making. I'm trying to be sensitive and really share info just when she asks. But last night I made a comment on how I was getting bigger and she got all quiet on the other end. I quickly changed the subject to other news from my week but it just made me so sad. Why is life so complicated?
Sheesh, this post became kind of a downer. Ooh, so I'll end on a good note: my company has "expectant mother" parking spots in the parking garages and ever since I've been married, I've DREAMED of the day I could park there. Well last Friday I went down to Security to get my pass (the gal didn't even want to see my "I'm pregnant" doctor's note, dang it!) and I got to park in one of the illustrious spots on Monday! It was so EXCITING! It's the little things, right? ;)
I can talk the talk but not walk the walk. I just got a phone call from my acupuncturist who's going to be featured on the local news due to a new study showing acupuncture is beneficial to IVF patients. She wanted to know if I'd be willing to talk to a local reporter on camera about my experiences. Many thoughts ran through my head…one: everyone who saw the report would know I had difficulty conceiving (even more awkward considering hardly anyone at work knows I'm pregnant!); two: I have one large pimple on my chin and it seems like local news always do extreme close ups where you can't even see the entire person's face; three: I'm shy and would likely blubber my way through the interview. But dang…the universe was giving me a chance to be a voice for IF and I can't do it.
expectant mother,
green nursery,
Jennifer Lopez
Thursday, January 31
1st trimester thoughts...
I'm really bad at keeping up with this blog lately. Plus it's awkward to know what to write about. I don't want to isolate readers with "baby baby" talk…but that's amazingly enough my world now. I didn't know if I'd ever get here and now that I am, I find it hard to fully embrace it for fear of…what, I'm not sure. I feel confident in my babies (even though I'm on sonogram withdrawal - and I just moved up my next appt by a week!) and my body and I'm slowly sharing the good news with more and more people…I just wish I could accept pregnancy with the same gusto I always figured I'd give it.
I'm almost through my first trimester, which means I may have avoided morning sickness. I've had general nauseau (and now I'm experiencing an inordinate amount of saliva, which does not help with the nauseau, let me tell ya!) but have not actually thrown up, thank goodness. I'm slowly getting over some of my weird food issues and actually cooked twice this week. Last week, we ate out every night and while I was healthy with my choices, I felt guilty about it. So I actually bought ingredients for meals (what a concept, right?) and that's really the trick. For such a Type A/planning personality, you'd think I'd be better about meals…but I just don't care enough about food to plan in advance. So eating enough has been a challenge at times. Kinda like this cartoon…
I've been reading a couple books that have provided insight to being a twin parent. Twinspiration is written by a twin mom and she is honest about everything! DH has been reading it too and it's nice how he's more aware of how I might be feeling, etc. He's even using the terms, like "mommy brain." Okay, so it's not nice to insult your pregnant wife's memory problems but at least he's attributing it to pregnancy and not me just losing my mind! Twins, Triplets, and Quads seems a little more suspect…have any other twin moms-to-be seen this one? It's soo dire…I'll definitely be on bed rest, I should absolutely quit working by X week, if I don't eat mini-meals every two hours my babies will be underweight/premature, drink a quart of milk per day, etc. So if anyone has any recommendations on twin pregnancy books, I'd love to hear 'em!
One of my cycle sisters, Tracey, was faced with the fragility of life last week and suffered a miscarriage at 9 weeks. Her posts have been so moving and really show how strong she is. But I'm sure she'd love any extra support.
And another is enduring the 2ww…sending lots of luck your way, Denise!

I've been reading a couple books that have provided insight to being a twin parent. Twinspiration is written by a twin mom and she is honest about everything! DH has been reading it too and it's nice how he's more aware of how I might be feeling, etc. He's even using the terms, like "mommy brain." Okay, so it's not nice to insult your pregnant wife's memory problems but at least he's attributing it to pregnancy and not me just losing my mind! Twins, Triplets, and Quads seems a little more suspect…have any other twin moms-to-be seen this one? It's soo dire…I'll definitely be on bed rest, I should absolutely quit working by X week, if I don't eat mini-meals every two hours my babies will be underweight/premature, drink a quart of milk per day, etc. So if anyone has any recommendations on twin pregnancy books, I'd love to hear 'em!
One of my cycle sisters, Tracey, was faced with the fragility of life last week and suffered a miscarriage at 9 weeks. Her posts have been so moving and really show how strong she is. But I'm sure she'd love any extra support.
And another is enduring the 2ww…sending lots of luck your way, Denise!
Friday, January 18
Dos babies
Could you imagine being pregnant and not being able to take a peek inside the womb? My mom found the book/journal she completed when pregnant with me and it was so odd to think they couldn't confirm a pregnancy with an HPT or an ultrasound. I think I could become addicted to ultrasounds…I'm starting to understand why crazy Tom Cruise bought one for home use when Katie Holmes was pregnant! Just kidding…kinda. ;)
We got a look at the twins yesterday and all is well! Twin B is catching up to Twin A and their heartrates were in line with what they should be at 9 weeks (which is apparently the time when they'll be the fastest…should slow down after 9 weeks). The U/S tech was able to identify their heads from their rumps and we got individual pics of both. Too cute! I think of them sharing this space and the bond they're forming and it gives me chills, it's so beautiful. DH and I rented In The Womb: Multiples and I highly recommend it to all you expecting twins. The most interesting tidbit to me was how twins have so much more stimulation in the womb than singletons (duh, I know). Manipulating the tight spaces can also help them with coordination later on in life (DH saw that as hope for two athletes who can go to college on scholarship! Since we spent our savings on them already!). Also, they have witnessed multiples in the womb who play games with one another! And these games can continue outside the womb! For example, there were twins who loved to cuddle their faces up to one another while in the womb. Then as toddlers, one of their favorites games was to stand on either side of a curtain and put their faces close to each other and giggle. That's just amazing to me…
Our OB gave us the all clear to let people know we're expecting! We had a few questions for her and that was DH's no. 1 question - I think he's been ready to burst! Also, his work has had a twin explosion lately, with like 5 of his co-workers either expecting them or just having had them…so I think he's ready to share his news too! Early on, I was dying to tell people we were pregnant…but now I don't feel the same sense of urgency. I don't know why…I feel confident in our babies so I don't think that's the reason. Maybe I'm just enjoying my little secret. Course it would behoove me to share the news and erase the mystery as to why I'm eating all day at my cube and answer questions around my slightly shifting figure. ;) I think part of it is wanting to put time between when I was out for two weeks for an undisclosed medical condition and the announcement. Not that I'm ashamed of what we did to make our babies - quite the contrary! I guess I just don't know how to answer the questions that will come from the busy bodys…"oh twins? Did you use fertility drugs?" One of my friends had triplets almost two years ago and is still asked that question…he said you start out polite and then get fed up. But why do I have to be polite if those who hear the news can't be?! For the triplets, I'd hate for their conception to be a defining trait for the rest of their lives. It's kind of irrelevant, isn't it? I know, I know, I preach people needing to be open about IF or society will never change and then I fall into the same trap. It's a quandary…
So for now, I'll continue to keep my little babies safe and protected from the comments that will annoy their mother and cause her heartrate to go up!
We got a look at the twins yesterday and all is well! Twin B is catching up to Twin A and their heartrates were in line with what they should be at 9 weeks (which is apparently the time when they'll be the fastest…should slow down after 9 weeks). The U/S tech was able to identify their heads from their rumps and we got individual pics of both. Too cute! I think of them sharing this space and the bond they're forming and it gives me chills, it's so beautiful. DH and I rented In The Womb: Multiples and I highly recommend it to all you expecting twins. The most interesting tidbit to me was how twins have so much more stimulation in the womb than singletons (duh, I know). Manipulating the tight spaces can also help them with coordination later on in life (DH saw that as hope for two athletes who can go to college on scholarship! Since we spent our savings on them already!). Also, they have witnessed multiples in the womb who play games with one another! And these games can continue outside the womb! For example, there were twins who loved to cuddle their faces up to one another while in the womb. Then as toddlers, one of their favorites games was to stand on either side of a curtain and put their faces close to each other and giggle. That's just amazing to me…
Our OB gave us the all clear to let people know we're expecting! We had a few questions for her and that was DH's no. 1 question - I think he's been ready to burst! Also, his work has had a twin explosion lately, with like 5 of his co-workers either expecting them or just having had them…so I think he's ready to share his news too! Early on, I was dying to tell people we were pregnant…but now I don't feel the same sense of urgency. I don't know why…I feel confident in our babies so I don't think that's the reason. Maybe I'm just enjoying my little secret. Course it would behoove me to share the news and erase the mystery as to why I'm eating all day at my cube and answer questions around my slightly shifting figure. ;) I think part of it is wanting to put time between when I was out for two weeks for an undisclosed medical condition and the announcement. Not that I'm ashamed of what we did to make our babies - quite the contrary! I guess I just don't know how to answer the questions that will come from the busy bodys…"oh twins? Did you use fertility drugs?" One of my friends had triplets almost two years ago and is still asked that question…he said you start out polite and then get fed up. But why do I have to be polite if those who hear the news can't be?! For the triplets, I'd hate for their conception to be a defining trait for the rest of their lives. It's kind of irrelevant, isn't it? I know, I know, I preach people needing to be open about IF or society will never change and then I fall into the same trap. It's a quandary…
So for now, I'll continue to keep my little babies safe and protected from the comments that will annoy their mother and cause her heartrate to go up!
Thursday, January 10
What a difference a year makes

Even though after the transfer, I really felt like both embryos were sticking around, it's still a shock to think we're going to have twins. It's just miraculous. We've come such a long way in just a year and a half...my cyst removal, DH's obstructive azoospermia, failed IVF and talk of donor eggs, being rejected by two other major fertility clinics in town...and I know we are where we are today because we didn't give up. What if we'd listened to the first RE? Or even the second? I guess you just never know. I have a friend whose mom died from cancer years ago and she was saying how the doctors just don't know everything...they'd give her mom a month and she'd live for another year...when we were going through this second cycle and continuously getting encouraging reports, I thought of that. DH and I scoffed when Amber reviewed cryopreservation...and yet we have two embryos on ice. You just never know.
I keep hoping and praying that these babies continue to impress everybody. I'm trying to do all I can for them (even gagging on my broccoli at dinner) and I know they're doing all they can, too.
Tuesday, January 1
Hang in there, babies!
Omigosh, I was so nervous for the U/S yesterday! Kinda odd behavior for me cuz I really wasn't nervous for any of my cycle stuff...retrieval, transfer, any of it. Do I have more faith in the babies outside of my body than inside? What does that say about me?
After an exceptionally weird waiting room experience (a couple that looked like Jack Sprat and his wife, a woman who loudly complained about having to take a pregnancy test, an impromptu prayer session between two strangers, one of which was apparently in pain), in which DH questioned whether I really wanted to keep going to this ob/gyn (now up for debate!), we were finally taken back for the U/S. The gal who did it had done an U/S for me during stimulation so she was so excited to find out it had worked!
Immediately you could see two sacs, one quite a bit larger than the other. And at first, the gal didn't think there was an embryo in the smaller one. But after measuring and getting "Twin A's" HR, she searched around and finally located little "Twin B" (who is apparently shy). It appears that Twin B is a few days behind, developmentally. The U/S technician said this happens sometimes and it can even out...or not. And one of DH's co-workers recently announced he and his wife are having twins through IVF, and they waited to let people know because one twin was lagging behind the other. So I think that made us think, okay, this is kinda common and can work itself out.
But later in the evening, as we were preparing our Surf and Turf feast of steak and crab legs (which I was cleared to eat - LOL), my favorite CCRM nurse called and gave me her opinion. Essentially, we should be very guarded and prepared to see little development at next week's U/S. But she acknowledged that we continue to exceed expectations and she wouldn't put it past us for it to all work out. So I don't know. I'm optimistic that it will all work out because I think our embryos have just behaved extraordinarily thus far and proven that they are really tough. DH wants Twin A to be a good big brother/sister and get the little one in line. ;) We did tell my parents, sis, and best friend the news (which I'd planned on keeping our little secret for now - since we have had no secrets all along!) because I figured we need extra prayers and good, positive vibes.
So please send good thoughts my way. If it's meant to be, it will be. Obviously, I want them both to be healthy and don't want to go against Mother Nature. But I just really felt all along that it was going to be twins. If mother's intuition counts for anything...
After an exceptionally weird waiting room experience (a couple that looked like Jack Sprat and his wife, a woman who loudly complained about having to take a pregnancy test, an impromptu prayer session between two strangers, one of which was apparently in pain), in which DH questioned whether I really wanted to keep going to this ob/gyn (now up for debate!), we were finally taken back for the U/S. The gal who did it had done an U/S for me during stimulation so she was so excited to find out it had worked!
Immediately you could see two sacs, one quite a bit larger than the other. And at first, the gal didn't think there was an embryo in the smaller one. But after measuring and getting "Twin A's" HR, she searched around and finally located little "Twin B" (who is apparently shy). It appears that Twin B is a few days behind, developmentally. The U/S technician said this happens sometimes and it can even out...or not. And one of DH's co-workers recently announced he and his wife are having twins through IVF, and they waited to let people know because one twin was lagging behind the other. So I think that made us think, okay, this is kinda common and can work itself out.
But later in the evening, as we were preparing our Surf and Turf feast of steak and crab legs (which I was cleared to eat - LOL), my favorite CCRM nurse called and gave me her opinion. Essentially, we should be very guarded and prepared to see little development at next week's U/S. But she acknowledged that we continue to exceed expectations and she wouldn't put it past us for it to all work out. So I don't know. I'm optimistic that it will all work out because I think our embryos have just behaved extraordinarily thus far and proven that they are really tough. DH wants Twin A to be a good big brother/sister and get the little one in line. ;) We did tell my parents, sis, and best friend the news (which I'd planned on keeping our little secret for now - since we have had no secrets all along!) because I figured we need extra prayers and good, positive vibes.
So please send good thoughts my way. If it's meant to be, it will be. Obviously, I want them both to be healthy and don't want to go against Mother Nature. But I just really felt all along that it was going to be twins. If mother's intuition counts for anything...
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