Tuesday, December 11

Hypothetically speaking...

...if I had the nerve to take an HPT, and my trigger shot was 11/29 at 2 am in the morning, and my retrieval was 11/30 at 2 pm...when could I get an accurate read?

Just hypothetically speaking...cuz I don't think I have the nerve. :(


Carrie said...

You'll be fine by now! If you want to, you can.

Waiting Amy said...

Yup, I agree with Carrie. Most say it takeas about 10 days for trigger to be gone.

Congrats on being at the end of the 2ww! Hoping for a wonderful ending for you.

Nadine said...

Yup trigger should be gone, but KEEP in mind, if the evil pee stick gives you a bfn, don't loose hope/faith, as those little evil tricky guys are not always that accurate.... it's their evil nature.

Wishing you two pink lines!