I'm not disciplined enough to stay up on my blogging plus we traveled out of town for these final weeks so it's been harder to get to the computer. Lots has happened!
Our dog did great during the car ride. I'd bought Bach's Stress Relief (yoga in a bottle) for her cuz it seemed more natural than Benadryl but we didn't need to use it...she was a perfect passenger! I have cracked it open since we've been in the hotel...she is none too keen on being left alone while we go to doctor's appointments, etc. But it's getting better the longer we're here.
My daily ultrasounds went well...we continue to be impressed with their efficiency, which is nice. Makes you realize what pros they are at this. My first appointment was on a Sunday and my friends/family who knew about it were just shocked that they were open on a Sunday. Then there were like 12 people in the waiting room. Which made me feel less alone but it was also so sad that there as so many people that need this type of help. But at least we're all getting that help. Anyway, it consistently looked like I had about 7-9 follicles on the left side and 2 "resting" ones on the right (where my cyst was). I was pretty much on schedule as far as how I was progressing and everyone was so pleased with what I was producing...not (obviously) cuz it's so much but because all signs had been pointing to much less of a response. All those ovary pep talks were paying off!
My dad flew in before the retrieval, since DH and I would both be laid up. It was unsure as to what procedure they'd do on DH to get sperm, starting out with PESA and progressing to MESA, if need be. So we got word to do the trigger shot at 2 a.m. (of course, right?!) which I had no beef over. I was just overjoyed to actually GET to do the trigger shot. It meant we were sooo close and I couldn't be happier! DH was awfully nervous about the IM shot and I felt worse for him than I did for me. It truly didn't hurt as he did it...but the next morning? A different story. ;)
Anyway, on to retrieval day. I really wasn't nervous. It's strange - I haven't worried too much about all this. I've tried to stay so positive and hopeful and concentrating on a successful outcome. I'm sure it's helped too, that everyone at the Center has been so positive as well. The doctor who did my IVF physical said if she had to flip a coin, she figured I'd get pregnant. Which thrilled me but DH was leery of all this talk, not wanting me to get my hopes up. I agree, it was a rather bold thing to tell a woman hopped up on hormones! ;) Anyway, DH's procedure was first and I followed an hour later. It's upsetting to see your loved one in the hospital garb, all defenseless looking. He was disappointed that he was going first and wouldn't be around to comfort me before my procedure. I think my dad, who witnessed all this lovey dovey-ness, had even more respect for DH and how he treats me. Thankfully, I found out before I was wheeled back that the PESA was successful. And the urologist was able to locate enough sperm to freeze some for later (if we should need it).
When I slowly drifted out of anesthesia and professed my love again to my DH from across the room (LOL), I was told that they retrieved 10 eggs - woo hoo! :) I was just sooo glad that they were able to get all of them...of course I'd read scary stories about eggs moving out of the ovary before retrieval and being lost forever. Plus I was just worried about losing any of them during the procedure, due to human error. I just didn't have any that I could risk losing! We would get the call about fertilization the next day (today) and would be taking it easy until then. I was so happy that DH's procedure was the less invasive one and he was in true bad ass form, not even needing any prescribed pain killers.
In the meantime, I tried to focus on our eggs and sperm finally meeting and being just as compatible as their parents. I'm a dork. But I was sending them happy, glowing thoughts from our hotel bed and contemplating my changing views on stem cell research (LOL).
This morning, I was wondering when we'd hear from the embryologist when the phone rang. So 5 were mature, and 5 were immature. But of the 5 mature eggs, ALL of them fertilized! He informed me we'd have a day 3 transfer (which I figure is mostly due to the numbers?) and we'd know then about the quality. Of course I wanted all 10 to be mature and fertilize, even though that's not very realistic. I was just prepared to be a modern miracle of science! But even still, 5 for 5 is 100% and it doesn't get much better than that! So Monday is the big day. When I have my first ever shot at actually being pregnant. Hell, I think I'm gonna consider myself "with child" once they put the embryos in. Sure, it's not how science works but I don't give a damn.
Wish me luck that they stick around and I can be the scientifically defined pregnant. ;)