Monday, December 10


Not to steal Carrie's idea but I totally agree with her! I need a cryptically titled post (yes, I had to look up exactly what it stood for - it's my first time, what can I say?!?!). We should wear these titles like a badge of honor! I have a newfound understanding for all the IFers who have had posts like this in the past...I read about how awful the wait was, the temptation to take a HPT, reading into every potential symptom...but until you experience it, gosh, you have no idea. This is awful! And with a day 5 transfer, the clinic said if the embryos were going to implant, they would do so within 24 hours of transfer. That seems like such a short window and yet I'm waiting and hoping until this Friday on the someone(s) who've already made their decision whether to stick around. In true form, the roller coaster continues with me feeling so positive one minute and Negative Nelly the next. I am back at work today, which has thankfully occupied my mind. But the lack of new television programming tonight due to the writer's strike is going to allow my mind to wander...ahhh! ;) I just want to say thanks again for the words of support from my small but mighty blog friends. It's uncanny how many of us are cycling together, considering I'm not a "power blogger" or anything. We can make it, I just know it. :)


Denise said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for your supportive thoughts! I've read up on all of your posts and I'm crossing everything possible for you! I think you said your first beta is on Friday?

I am so impressed with you traveling out of state to cycle at CCRM. I know they have a lot of out of state (and out of country) patients there and I think it must be twice as stressful for you to have to plan all of this around a travel schedule. It sounds like you've worked really hard for this and have done everything in your power to make it work. Good luck! I'll make sure I add you to my blog roll to help me check in on you. And thanks for adding me to yours. I love getting new readers!

Carrie said...

The 'am I?, aren't I?' is enough to finish me off. Like it wasn't all stressful enough to start with, and then the tension all gathers. I'm not at all hopeful anymore. I think it's my way of coping.
Hope Friday is a fantastic end to this hellish roller coaster ride!